Practical oclusal therapy

Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale n° 2 du 01/05/2001


Book review

Paul Saulue  

This collective work, edited by Jean-Daniel Orthlieb, Daniel Brocard, Jean Schittly and Armelle Manière-Ezvan, claims above all to have a very clinical approach. It has a preface by Rudolf Slavicek. The authors have presented all sections with great clarity which makes very pleasant, easy reading.

The first part deals with « The keys of occlusion » in a very informative manner. Anatomy, centric relations, vertical dimension, mandibular movements, occlusal function and anomalies...

This collective work, edited by Jean-Daniel Orthlieb, Daniel Brocard, Jean Schittly and Armelle Manière-Ezvan, claims above all to have a very clinical approach. It has a preface by Rudolf Slavicek. The authors have presented all sections with great clarity which makes very pleasant, easy reading.

The first part deals with « The keys of occlusion » in a very informative manner. Anatomy, centric relations, vertical dimension, mandibular movements, occlusal function and anomalies of occlusion are all set out very clearly. By its presentation, this part will engage the beginner at first reading, whilst the well-informed will have theirs knowledge enhanced by the many small clinical details. The reader will draw from this book a myriad of clinical details and techniques of considerable practical interest for daily practice.

The second part is « Clinical occlusion ». « The clinical examination of the masticatory system and of the occlusion » is a model of its type. It gets to the essentials and provides a multitude of practical clinical details.The same goes for « The registration of the reference position ». The chapter on « Occlusion and implants » discusses options for treatment but also and especially proposes treatments that will reduce the failure rate.

The third part : « Simulation of occlusion and condylar movements » provides details of impression techniques and study models, up to the fabrication of sectional models. The chapters on « Articulators », « Axiography », « Mounting on the articulator » and « Programming » are very explicit with photographs of each stage.

The final part concerns «The role of and the use of the articulator ».

« Occlusal analysis and simulation of equilibration » provides the transition between the clinical examination and treatment. Various prosthetic situations ; fixed, removable, partial and complete are dissected. Many well-documented clinical cases illustrate the stages of treatment, from the initial presentation to the final result, including the clinical stages of denture construction, those on the articulator and in the laboratory. One chapter deals with the use of the articulator in dentofacial orthopaedics.

The 20 authors that have contributed to this work of rare quality must be thanked for their work. Successive chapters are coherent, the tenor is informative and the excellence of the illustrations create a book that everyone will regularly use in their daily practice.