Association between oral malodor and adult periodontitis : a review - JPIO n° 2 du 01/05/2002

Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale n° 2 du 01/05/2002


International scientific review - Clinical research


M Kebir-Quelin*   E Steimlé**  

Aim of the study

Halitosis has a significant impact on the population and may be responsible for a social and psychological handicap for those people who suffer from it. The aim of this article is to correlate the relationship between halitosis and adult periodontitis and to analyse methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Materials and methods

This is a review of the literature.



Aim of the study

Halitosis has a significant impact on the population and may be responsible for a social and psychological handicap for those people who suffer from it. The aim of this article is to correlate the relationship between halitosis and adult periodontitis and to analyse methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Materials and methods

This is a review of the literature.


Volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) are the main causes of the condition. Gram negative bacteria and anaerobes, similar to the putative periodontal pathogens, are the main sources of VSC. The latter are metabolic products of cells present in the saliva, dental plaque and gingival fluid. Reduced saliva flow and stagnation contribute to halitosis. The production of VSC increases significantly with radiographic evidence of bone loss, depth of pocket, level of attachment and bleeding on probing. The dorsal surface of the tongue, by the presence of papillae retains desquamated epithelial cells and has also been identified as a major cause of halitosis. Malodour may also have non-oral causes. At the present time there is no standard recognized protocol for its diagnosis and treatment.


Future studies must indicate objective and reproducible methods of detection and diagnosis of halitosis.


Having been ignored for too long by dentists, the treatment of halitosis is now beginning to receive large investments for research within industry.

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