Internal contamination of a 2-component implant system after occlusal loading and provisionally luted reconstruction with or without a washer device - JPIO n° 2 du 01/05/2002

Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale n° 2 du 01/05/2002


International scientific review - Clinical research


MH Biray*   G Briend**   B Schweitz***  

Aim of the study

To evaluate in vivo contamination of the interior of the implant screw after it has been brought into function, with or without a shock absorbing mechanism.

Materials and methods

Eight implants with two components were bonded with silicone providing a shock absorbing mechanism and nine implants without silicone, were selected for this study. Two months after being brought into function, the crowns and the...

Aim of the study

To evaluate in vivo contamination of the interior of the implant screw after it has been brought into function, with or without a shock absorbing mechanism.

Materials and methods

Eight implants with two components were bonded with silicone providing a shock absorbing mechanism and nine implants without silicone, were selected for this study. Two months after being brought into function, the crowns and the internal screws were removed and examined by scanning electron microscopy and by spectroscopic analysis (EDS).


An amorphous crystalline contamination was found on all screw surfaces. The contamination was greater in the non-silicone group.


There is always a seepage at the implant-internal screw interface that brings about contamination. This could, perhaps, be reduced with good oral hygiene and bonding with silicone.


Internal contamination of implants could be responsible for peri-implant inflammation. It would be interesting to study a system that could prevent it. There is still much progress to be made in this area.

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