Implantation in anterior bone grafts - JPIO n° 2 du 01/05/2002

Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale n° 2 du 01/05/2002


International scientific review - Clinical research


R Roig*   T Taïeb**  

Aim of the study

In order to place implants in the optimal position in the anterior regions, it is sometimes necessary to augment the ridge beforehand. This article reviews the results obtained in 25 patients having received 67 Brånemark® implants.

Materials and methods

A guide was used to determine the size of the graft that was to be shaped to the recipient bed and fixed with small screws. All residual space was...

Aim of the study

In order to place implants in the optimal position in the anterior regions, it is sometimes necessary to augment the ridge beforehand. This article reviews the results obtained in 25 patients having received 67 Brånemark® implants.

Materials and methods

A guide was used to determine the size of the graft that was to be shaped to the recipient bed and fixed with small screws. All residual space was filled with condensed spongy bone. Where the incisive canal interfered with the placement of implants, the area was curetted and filled with grafted bone. The implants studied had been in function for 13 to 96 months.


The mean augmentation of the ridge was 6.4 mm in thickness and 4.22 mm in height. In one patient there was a total failure of one graft and in two other patients there was partial failure. The 67 implants were in function for 34.4 months in the maxilla and 19 months in the mandible. No implant had been lost up to that time.


The only thing of interest in this article is the surgical technique of the bone grafts used by the authors. The results alone are presented and compiled with neither analysis nor commentary that would provide a rational guidance for the treatment of these patients. The last sentence of this article is revealing : « When a rigorous surgical protocol is used, treatment is frequently successful. »

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